Sunday, April 26, 2015

Rainbow Reader Bundle on Amazon and Smashwords

Responding to reader requests, and giving future readers the ability to purchase the entire bundle of the Rainbow Reader 99 cent Quickie series in one fantastic format with one click! We priced the bundle at a discount of $3.99, and includes the opportunity to receive the unpublished "99 cent Quickie PINK: The Secret Manuscript" as a bonus by email absolutely FREE!

All you have to do is email the author directly with the link provided inside the book with a screenshot of your verified purchase, and you will be sent your choice of .pdf, .mobi or .epub directly to your email.

We certainly hope you enjoy the complete Rainbow Reader series. And encourage you to leave a positive, compelling review on the emotional connection you had with the story. Always try and link back to your original purchase page at Amazon, or on Good Reads and remember once you are done reading the book, Amazon Kindle allows you to share the book with someone for up to 14 days by email.

Tips on making a review:

I want to share a story of how you can help an author you care about. I understand you fellow readers, and I sympathize for you my fellow writers, authors and self-publishers. 

After you read a book, first thing, while fresh in your mind, thank that author on amazon or good reads. Here's how you can write a review, and some simple suggestions. 

Formulate your feelings in your mind, and write your detailed review (Ok, you may not be an experienced writer or reviewer, so at least tell the world how it made you feel) as that will help all writers further develop their skills as a writer. 

That is insanely important issue to me. I have chosen a unique creative writing style, and as you read each story in the rainbow color spectrum, I hope you can see how I have evolved as a writer. While you do not have to make a critical step by step analysis, at least post how the words came alive in your imagination and how you related with or connected with the characters, with each story, and the timeline. Posting how you feel is very important to me, especially if you noticed something out of the ordinary compared to other stories you have read. There are many subliminal blinking messages between the lines, and only a few have messaged me when they made that connection. It is sort of my way of placing "Hidden Mickeys" in my story line.

Next, When you look at your original amazon invoice, and click on the book title, which will take you to the original purchase page. There, you can scroll down and see you can make a verified purchase review.

All you have to do is click "Write a customer review" on the original purchase page.

I want to share a little trick with you, that you, as an avid reader will really get a kick out of doing for books that you really fall in love with... Let's say, just for an example that you purchased the book in the USA. You clicked "Write a customer review," and amazon directed you to a whole list of books that you have not yet reviewed! 

First, click on "FIVE STARS" to make your rating, or four, three. Heck, even two or one if you really didn't like ANY of my writing. 

Then, write "how the book made you feel" in the box provided. 

Once you are done writing your review and you type in a title for your review that will appear in bold above your review, "COPY" the review you just wrote and click the blue "Submit" button. 
Soon, amazon will post your review on the '.com' amazon page.

Now, look up at your browser window. You will see a whole bunch of browser gobblygook: (

Look where you see '.com' and simply click and position your browser after the '.com' and type in '.au' and click (without changing any other text in the browser navigation box) and as if like magic a new review window will appear!
Simply select your star rating and "PASTE" your review. Type in a title for your review, and press the blue "Submit" button... But wait! It gets more fun!

Place your cursor just after the '' and backspace changing the site to '' and click (without changing any of the other existing text in the browser navigation box) and as if by magic once again, you can post your review in England. 
Use the same process to add your review to '.ca' for Canada, and '.in' for India. 
It is as easy as that. 

Additionally at the top of the original amazon purchase page you will see you purchased this book on a specific date, and that you can "SHARE" this book with a friend! Share it with someone, and encourage their review. 

Finally, I encourage all readers, when considering buying a book, if you genuinely care about reading other peoples reviews, then thank those people for writing their review of the book by clicking "YES" or "NO" if the review was helpful. 

These small clicks are the only things (along with the written review) that the massive amazon computer algorithms evaluate effectively. These algorithms also evaluate search engine tags, did you look at the free preview, did you buy it after the preview, did you look at one of their suggestions on that same page, and did you buy that book, or look at the preview... The amazon computer program is quite analytic, and requires interaction with the person browsing their site, and believe be, everything is tracked and considered. 

I hope you found this information new and interesting. and will take the initiative to help an author by respecting their story you fell in love with, and write a detailed review, post it on the "Big 5" and 'upvote' their existing reviews. 

Rainbow Reader Bundle available on Smashwords

The Rainbow Reader series has been compiled including all SIX Rainbow Readers and available now on all platforms from Smashwords. Get Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. 6 books for the price of three. When you buy all six in the bundle, I will send you PINK absolutely FREE by email. Pink is the prequel to Red, and this series is the prequel to the Moments in Time series. Free is good.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Rainbow Reader 99 cent Quickie GRAY: Surrender

I am jumping for joy with the cover release for the 9th in the Rainbow Reader series "The 99 cent Quickie GRAY: Surrender" which will be released to the world in May. The shifted timeline from the "Moments in Time" series (Georgie and Warren) features Ian continuing his journey from his last adventures in "The 99 cent Quickie WHITE: Educating Hayden" and is sure to surprise some readers with the tragic fact of reality that results from bullying, teen homelessness and depression. Ian is so confidently trying to overcome his insecurities, which is handled by his excessive sexual encounters. It is an emotionally alluring compromise and transition from the life he wished he had.