Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Rainbow Reader Red: Awakening Smashwords Promotion

Rainbow Reader Red: Awakening
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July 16, 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Smashwords interview with Adam Stevens

Interview with Adam Stevens

How did you become a writer?
In 1997, I wanted to end my life. I awoke from a dream that saved my life, started writing, and simply couldn't stop. years later, I was reviewing a Chinese students mid-term exam from his Chinese English teacher, and read a story about Amanda Hocking. I immediately went online, did some research and realized in 2013, that I had an avenue of therapy to tell my story. I fictionalized the harsh reality of my childhood, with a character I developed to be addictive. 
As a developing writer, I have attempted to evolve outside the book, and allow the reader to surround themselves with the descriptive environment as the chronological story unfolds around them while they read. Eventually that magic will surround a reader. Some get my writing style, and I expect others just don't 'get it.'
I write Gay Fiction. I don't write gay romance, and there is no guarantee of a happily ever after. Life is tragic. Allowing the reader to immerse themselves in someone else's circular destructive tragedy is an alternate release of emotion. 
I thought I was once writing for a specific market, until I noticed in readers reviews that more than half of my readers, fans and followers were middle aged married women. Some who have emotionally connected with the character and the story. 
My writing style evolves with each paragraph, chapter, and book release. I have so much to learn about publishing, but still cherish the passionate articulate release of writing, and developing my style is inspired by interaction with my readers. Without my readers interactive comments, I would have stopped writing. Now, I strive for original dramatic expression to maintain the climactic adventure readers expect. 
When I edit and re-edit a book after its completion and a scene can generate emotionally captivating tears, I so hope that same experience on every reader.
How did you decide to brand the Rainbow Reader series?
Completely on accident! I had written the first 300 page novel, "Moments in Time: It is never too late to come out," and published it on amazon. I had over 40 positive, compelling reviews that inspired me to keep writing as the story wasn't even close to being over. One day, the book was blocked. I panicked. I had been reported for pornographic content. I couldn't believe I had such a great short term rise, to only crash and burn. I followed the advice of amazon, and republished the novel after an extensive edit. Three positive reviews later, the book was again blocked for pornographic content. The publishing world was not for me. 
I decided to break up the novel, leaving out the first three chapters. I decided to re-brand the novel into six published works, leaving a seventh unpublished. I am gay. I write gay fiction. Whats gayer than unicorns, sparkle ponies and the rainbow? Emerging from the ashes, I created the full color spectrum, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. leaving Pink (the first three chapters) unpublished. 
Branding the quick reads, guaranteeing a 69 to 99 page quality read was my way of demonstrating to the publishing world that you can set your own standards to offer a quality read at an affordable price point. I was disappointed reading some other short reads of 44 pages for 3.99 with no second book to buy to get more of the story. Totally and unquestionably unacceptable in my marketing mind. It just seemed to make sense to brand the series the Rainbow Reader. This series features a specific chronological timeline of the fictional character Georgie, and his circular, repetitive rise and fall that developed through the course of the Rainbow Reader Series. 
In my eyes, the Rainbow Reader series can be read out of order. But I already know the timeline, and for those wishing to get the complete story, and create an addictive reading habit, I created the Rainbow Reader bundle offering all six books for one price with the option to get "Pink: The Secret Manuscript" by email for free simply by forwarding the purchase email to my email address. Now, the story can be read in sequence and the ability to privately obtain the first three chapters most certainly satisfying readers who need the complete story.
Tell us more about your "Moments in Time" series.
I began my writing adventure as a hobby. One might even say a combination of overcoming boredom, living and working in a foreign country with an overactive imagination and most definitely a little bit of therapy. The original "Moments in Time: It is never too late to come out" novel is now broken up in the Rainbow Reader series of six books, offering a seventh unpublished book for free. That series is a chronological timeline of Georgies first 30 years of life. It culminates in overcoming suicide, filled with hope of leading a more positive life filled with hope and passion. 
The first official "Moments in Time: It is never too late to start over" begins as Georgie turns 30 and continues his life with a positive new outlook on life, and love. 
The next in the series. "Moments in Time Detours: Sometimes the wrong way is the right way" articulates love in a very powerful way for Georgie. As he seemingly has everything in place for a wonderful life with Warren, and makes a dramatic decision to potentially stray from the path he had worked so hard to achieve. Everything happens for a reason.
Currently, the third in the series, "Moments in Time: Innocence" spins a tale narrated in the perspective of Warren, articulating his side of the story of life before Georgie, how they met, how they fell in love, and the turmoils caused by decisions made in each of their lives. 
While the novels are full-length reads, new to the self-publishing world, there seems to be a larger demand for shorter reads that take an hour or two of an escape in one sitting, and have decided to maintain two avenues of future publications. I will continue to spin off the timeline for the Rainbow Reader series, as well as maintain a fabulous timeline for the fourth in the Moments in Time series
What's next in the Rainbow Reader series?
A new Rainbow Reader was recently published called “White: Educating Hayden” and takes a spin-off of characters from the “Moments in Time” series. Here, Warren’s first love Ian is dramatically detailed in a continuing story about how Ian’s life evolved after Warren. Ian is bullied at school, finally admits his attraction to Hayden, and confronts him. Ian decides to educate Hayden and allow Hayden to come to terms with the reality that he is actually not a bully, and helps Hayden discover his true purpose.

White Rainbow Reader:

“Educating Hayden” http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UQPGBAC

And the stories keep coming. In the works now are four stories:

“Gray: Surrender”
Features Ian continuing his journey from his last adventures in “The Rainbow Reader WHITE: Educating Hayden” and is sure to surprise some readers with the tragic fact of reality that results from bullying, teen homelessness and depression. Ian is so confidently trying to overcome his insecurities, which is handled by his excessive sexual encounters. It is an emotionally alluring compromise and transition from the life he wished he had.

“Black: Secrets”
Will feature the continuing world of Ian as he reveals his secrets, and helps others to do the same. Ian discovers several gay teens that have escaped the social welfare system, and are forced to live on the streets in less than desirable environments. Ian is impassioned with saving these battered, abused and neglected teens, and create a sustainable environment for their positive development. But he knows he can't do it alone.

“Brown: Reconnect”
Will feature how worlds collide, Ian’s world reconnects with Warren and Georgie as they embark on a journey to reconnect with the earth and offer a safe place for abused, battered, neglected and forgotten gay teens in a sustainable environment where they can discover their path and become the next leaders in our destructive society.

“Silver and Gold”
Presently untitled and uncovered is also in the works for a dramatic Christmas 2015 release detailing the plans to acquire and begin their new journey helping gay teens get off the street.
What inspires you to write?
The single most inspiration is the desire to tell my stories as they unfold in my brain. I am often guilty of working on several stories at the same time. At first, I was inspired by dramatic memories from my past, and articulated the chronological timeline of my youth, sharing the story of bad decisions time and again. Later, I discovered my overactive imagination was the best resource, as I have started to develop a unique writing style I can call my own original expression, and I own that creativity with each word I write. To see a book cover and story come together is a reward, but ultimately, my number one motivation and inspiration comes from my readers as they comment, review and make a personal connection with me. 
A simple inquiry from "Moments in Time Detours: Sometimes the wrong way can be the right way" regarding several questions pertaining to Warren, wondering what he was thinking inspired the third in the series, "Moments in Time: Innocence." This was the first book not narrated by Georgie. Warren shared his story with the world, and that sparked more interaction by readers wondering whatever happened to Ian (Warrens first love). That interaction spinned off the most magical detour from the original Rainbow Reader series creating, "White: Educating Hayden."
Ultimately, my readers inspire me. Days of perplexing thought on their comments, combined with restless nights of sleep tormented by dreams and imaginative scenarios playing out in my mind, which is the madness of an artist evolves into the next story eventually.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I do. April 1997. But due to the evolution of technology, have lost those stories forever. I believe the files were created and stored on an Amiga computer, way, oh way back when... I had printed a 300 page manuscript that was the culmination of a months nonstop work for my parents when I was 30 years old, when I first came out to myself and to the world. My parents rejected the manuscript (as did several local publishing companies), and my parents copy being the only remaining printed copy was immediately destroyed and discarded, as was the love for their 30 year old child. 
My life previous to April 1997 ceased to exist. 
From that point on, as well articulated in my writings of the past two years have evolved into a solitude of creative expression as I have spent the past two years in my own personal crucible of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in China. 
I have only the memory of events to guide me during the writing process, which has evolved dramatically since I first started writing two years ago.
What do you read for pleasure?
This is an amazingly loaded question. For me, I am a very hands on person, living my my own imaginative reality that very few can relate to. I enjoy movies and audio books. Reading was never a pleasurable activity for me. I related all books with the educational process which I resented during my young academic life. I grew up in a privileged private school environment where reading and reporting on massive amounts of books each semester was demanded of us as students. I developed a strong opposition to pleasure reading, and preferred sports or other physical activity as my outlet of pleasure. Even to this day, reading a book, with all of the opportunities of technological disturbances and interference, I prefer to wait for the movie. 
Now that being said, I can admit that I was addicted to the Harry Potter novels as they were released. When the firt movie came out, I was tragically disappointed. Sitting in the top row of the theater surrounded by as equally passionate followers of the Harry Potter series, I stood up and screamed, "WHAT?" continuing my tirade to my friends a little more quietly, they left out the bla bla bla, that's essential to the story line! 
This recollection of memory is also rivaled in my writings. I attempt to create scene setting and character and story development by showing, not telling my readers. Sometimes, even though I have the complete idea in my brain, my words simply do not articulate the entire vision of the scene as well as I would like. Re-write after re-write, I finally published each story the best way that each idea can be presented. 
Casually, I do read the competition, and have developed a strong bond with several other writers, as our stories continue and publishing success evolves. 
I do pride myself on posting five star reviews for every book I read, in an attempt to inspire other writers, the way my readers inspire me. Taking that time to review their works, as I appreciate those who review mine, are a shared success story as we all develop together. 
Some writers guarantee a Happily Ever After in each book. My story is a little longer than 350 pages, and as volumes are released, there is always hope for a happily ever after for my main characters.
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
As a writer, an expressive artist consumed with story-telling, the publishing world has been a difficult world to master when it comes to marketing. Years ago with the introduction of e-reading devices, and limited platforms, I was not even aware of the phenomenon. I stumbled upon this opportunity to self publish totally on accident. And I am happy to have found this opportunity to tell and share my story. 
I have only one outlet, sharing my releases on social media platforms. I belong to over 100 Facebook groups, and am listed on Google+, Pinterest, and discovering everyday new ways to spread the word of my stories. I still can't grasp Twitter, but it is an evolutionary process. 
The most successful story is that developing personal relationships on Facebook, and in a handful of closed groups where we develop lifetime relationships with other writers, sharing our stories, and interacting in a lively, honest and positive way has netted the best results. Being an artist, I know that not everyone will enjoy the fruits of my labor, but knowing that is half the challenge. There are people who are like-minded and it is those relationships with fellow writers and readers that assist in sharing my news with their friends. Mutually marketing our experiences of each others works, and fostering those relationships is the only successful way I know. 
I have not generated enough money to pay for advertising on any platform, so I rely solely on positive, compelling word of mouth by readers and writers. Many people pay for reviews, I think that is not an honest evaluation of ones work. I have most recently joined several review-swap groups, and have discovered that these book trade transactions aren't completely honest as well. It frustrates me there is little honest mutual reciprocity. 
While I know writing is a great way of expressing who I am, I am not really operating my publishing activity as a second business as some publishers are. I am confident over time however, building one relationship at a time, that my collection of published works will actually mean something special to someone someday, and am filled with that hope.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Being able to express my inner-most thoughts, desires, recollection of childhood memories in an imaginative and creative manner, and actually see the book come together as a marketable product is my greatest satisfaction of success. 
Only then are the reviews, comments and interactive relationships of readers almost awe inspiring, motivating me through the next story. 
I did not really write for the reader in the beginning, and my writing style shows that. I was telling a chronological story, and sadly, I made a huge publishing mistake. I released all six of the rainbow Readers on the same week, not allowing an opportunity to develop and build relationships with readers. When another writer released their book around the same time, it provided an opportunity for her readers to personally connect with the characters, and the writer with an anticipation for the writers next release. I overwhelmed the reading audience with six different published works. they didn't know where to begin reading, and to meet their reading style, they turned to purchasing other works instead of mine. That was the biggest flaw of my publishing career. I can live with that mistake. 
Future releases however are geared towards the reader wanting more. and taking my time to write my story in an imaginative, original style differentiates my works from others. 
When I receive a new friend request on Facebook, see a friend share my post, or the highest reward, reading a positive, compelling review that demonstrates a readers deep, emotional connection with my characters generates an addictive reading situation where they can immediately read the next book in the series, or the next novel. 
While my words express a specific content of gay fiction, reading my readers words compel and inspire me to write more, and write better everyday. 
Their satisfaction is my greatest joy.
What do your fans mean to you?
While my books are not in the top ten, barely in the top 100 of any specific genre, the new friends made on Facebook, mean the world to me. In a positive interactive social media environment, they inspire me to work smarter, and to increase my ability to spawn creative and original spinoffs of my original works. At the end of every book my final words are always, "The story is never over..." as I believe that the depth of my writing, in each of the "Rainbow Reader" and "Moments in Time" series are directly connected to the timeline originally developed. Providing this interactive writing style, worlds collide and characters interact in ways that will culminate at the end of 2016. 
With the fourth "Moments in Time" novel and four more "Rainbow Readers" currently in the works, The story will come full circle and every reader will then realize the complete story behind the characters struggle, finally offering a happily ever after for so many lives that don't even know it yet. That is the power of imaginative imagery, with the scope of the big picture that was realized before I even started writing. 
My fans are my inspiration. Without them, I would have never worked so hard after my first book, "Moments in Time: It is never to late to come out" was banned and blocked. Occasionally I go to Good reads and re-read the original reviews posted there for motivation and inspiration. Strangers are just friends waiting to happen. It is always a great day to make a new friend.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Sometimes life gets in the way of writing. As all writers can agree on one fact, when we are in the zone, stay away, or you will be written into the story. Writing was a hobby at first. It was an expressive way to calm my overactive imagination, and I discovered I had a powerful story to tell. Some readers get my writing style, others don't, and I am okay with that. 
I spend most of my time these days marketing my published works, and learning the best ways to share my stories with the world. Smashwords has been an amazing resource to format the perfect book style. These high quality publishing standards are crucial to how my product looks. When I see a poorly formatted book, although the story is solid, by the navigation is wrong, or chapter headings aren't centered, or worse there is no navigation, it is frustrating to me as a writer, that everyone can't learn to format a book for professional clarity and continuity. When a book has a definitive style and flow, and it looks like a book should look, I can overlook a typo or two. 
I live in my own self-contained solitary world, my crucible. My imaginative reality is difficult for some to accept, and that is a lonely existence. But it is the reality that I chose. 
My paycheck comes each month, no matter how hard I work, or budget my time. That is a welcomed reward of several years trying to find the right teaching position for my personality. Sometimes life gets in the way of writing, and although frustrating for an artist, essential to maintain the responsibility of teaching these young minds. My writing world is a secret. Nobody in my current realm knows that I am a gay fiction writer, and I am okay with that. 
Some nights, inspired by a thought process that absolutely has to get out of my brain and "onto paper" ends up with a sleepless night of tapping away at the keyboard until the voices in my head fall fast asleep. Then, it is up to some flavorful potent coffee to jump start my engines in the morning. I can sometimes be found sneaking out of school in between classes, and back to my house for a number of reasons. First to write down words and thoughts that have developed over the course of a day, or days, as well as what I call, "spamming" my Facebook groups announcing a new title, a promotion or a catchy phrase that will stimulate new readers, new friends, and most of all book purchases. 
So, If I am not writing, and not promoting, and not working, I can be found procrasturbating around the Facebook world fostering new relationships and discovering new ways to become a better writer, and a better publisher.
Published 2015-06-07.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author, publisher or reader. Create your own interview!

Books by This Author

Moments In Time: Innocence 
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 93,160. Language: American English. Published: May 2, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
The “Moments in Time” series continues with “Innocence” a detailed examination from the perspective of Warren, who articulately explains ‘his side’ of the story from his very first intimate encounter, meeting his love, Georgie, and how their lives evolved together.
Moments In Time Detours: Sometimes The Wrong Way Can Be The Right Way 
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 70,650. Language: American English. Published: April 30, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
The magic is in this moment, let your dreams and goals drive you, but do not let them define you. The journey is where the fun is, so give yourself plenty of time to be present in this moment. Because this moment is all we will ever have.
Moments In Time: It Is Never Too Late To Start Over 
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 75,220. Language: American English. Published: April 30, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
Moments in Time: It is never too late to start over is a continuing chronological examination of brief moments in time that have shaped and developed the character, culminating into a circular and repeating series of events revolving around sexual discovery, the search for love, and the loss associated with love, and allowing yourself to deviate from the path set before us.
Rainbow Reader White: Educating Hayden 
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 25,820. Language: American English. Published: April 30, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
“White: Educating Hayden” is about two young boys Hayden and Ian. Hayden is a big bad bully, and something has to be done about his rampant accosting and abuse of younger, defenseless innocent boys at his school. Settle down, bundle up, and enjoy this tasty short read, but beware of the reality of this fictional sexual adventure. There is truth behind every lie.
Rainbow Reader Purple: Destructive Love 
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 26,070. Language: American English. Published: April 30, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
“Purple: Destructive Love” is the sixth of the Rainbow Reader series that reveals the sexual discovery, encounters and developing adventures that define the main character as he interacts with characters the readers wanted to know more about from the original Moments in Time series.
Rainbow Reader Blue: Hey! I'm Gay 
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 26,200. Language: American English. Published: April 30, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
“Blue: Hey! I’m Gay” is the fifth of the Rainbow Reader series that reveals the sexual discovery, encounters and developing adventures that define the main character as he interacts with characters the readers wanted to know more about from the original Moments in Time series.
Rainbow Reader Green: Live, Love, Loss 
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 25,290. Language: American English. Published: April 30, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
“Live, Love, Loss” is the fourth of the Rainbow Reader series that reveals the sexual discovery, encounters and developing adventures that define the main character as he interacts with characters the readers wanted to know more about from the original Moments in Time series.
Rainbow Reader Yellow: Army of Secrets 
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 29,290. Language: American English. Published: April 30, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
“Yellow: Army of Secrets” is the third of the Rainbow Reader series that reveals the sexual discovery, encounters and developing adventures that define the main character as he interacts with characters the readers wanted to know more about from the original Moments in Time series.
Rainbow Reader Orange: Flourish and Flings 
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 27,960. Language: American English. Published: April 30, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Literary collections » Gay & lesbian
“Orange: Flourish and Flings” is the second of the Rainbow Reader series that reveals the sexual discovery, encounters and developing adventures that define the main character as he interacts with characters the readers wanted to know more about from the original Moments in Time series.
Rainbow Reader Series Bundle 
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 160,300. Language: American English. Published: April 26, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Erotica » Gay Erotica
The Rainbow Reader is a collection of six books that follow a chronological timeline of Georgie detailing his discovery of sexual exploration through adulthood. There are more love tragedies, loss and suffering as he finds his way into adulthood, and an amazing variety of characters he meets along the way. There’s sadness and pain alongside the happiness and joy.

Rainbow Reader Red: Awakening 
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 25,180. Language: American English. Published: March 9, 2015. Categories:Fiction » Gay & lesbian fiction » GayFiction » Romance » Erotic
Red: Awakening is the first of the Rainbow Reader series, that reveals the sexual discovery, encounters and developing adventures that define the main character as he interacts with characters on a chronological timeline, and also begins as the prequel to the published “Moments in Time” series. Enjoy the first book of the Rainbow Reader series, “Red: Awakening.”

What's next in the Rainbow Reader series?

A new Rainbow Reader was recently published called “White: Educating Hayden” and takes a spin-off of characters from the “Moments in Time” series. Here, Warren’s first love Ian is dramatically detailed in a continuing story about how Ian’s life evolved after Warren. Ian is bullied at school, finally admits his attraction to Hayden, and confronts him. Ian decides to educate Hayden and allow Hayden to come to terms with the reality that he is actually not a bully, and helps Hayden discover his true purpose.

White Rainbow Reader:

“Educating Hayden” http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UQPGBAC

And the stories keep coming. In the works now are four stories:

“Gray: Surrender”
Features Ian continuing his journey from his last adventures in “The Rainbow Reader WHITE: Educating Hayden” and is sure to surprise some readers with the tragic fact of reality that results from bullying, teen homelessness and depression. Ian is so confidently trying to overcome his insecurities, which is handled by his excessive sexual encounters. It is an emotionally alluring compromise and transition from the life he wished he had.

“Black: Secrets”
Will feature the continuing world of Ian as he reveals his secrets, and helps others to do the same. Ian discovers several gay teens that have escaped the social welfare system, and are forced to live on the streets in less than desirable environments. Ian is impassioned with saving these battered, abused and neglected teens, and create a sustainable environment for their positive development. But he knows he can't do it alone.

“Brown: Reconnect”
Will feature how worlds collide, Ian’s world reconnects with Warren and Georgie as they embark on a journey to reconnect with the earth and offer a safe place for abused, battered, neglected and forgotten gay teens in a sustainable environment where they can discover their path and become the next leaders in our destructive society.

“Silver and Gold”

Presently untitled and uncovered is also in the works for a dramatic Christmas 2015 release detailing the plans to acquire and begin their new journey helping gay teens get off the street.