The newest shade in the Rainbow Reader Series, "Black: Secrets" is available on Amazon for pre-order for 99 cents, 99 pence, and 99 euro... 1.39 in Canada, 1.49 in Australia.
"Black: Secrets" will release on October 10th at $2.99 worldwide.
Pre-order TODAY! Save money, Your husband won't hate me so much!
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After leaving your positive review in your country (you gave it a star rating, a title heading, and your glowing review), you can make permanent reviews to the Amazon Big 5 sites, helping your review gain more exposure, and allowing your review to be visible in all of the Amazon Big 5 markets. It is extremely helpful, and demonstrates your support of your favorite author.
Here’s all you have to do. Before clicking ‘submit’ simply select the text of your review, right click and copy the text you wrote. Click ‘submit’ and your review is off to Amazon for approval.
Next, in your browser bar simply highlight and change your country’s internet domain, such as ‘.com’ to ‘’ and a new review page loads!
Simply right click and paste your review, add a title and your star rating, and submit! You have just left a review in the UK for all potential UK readers to see.
Finally, you can repeat this process by changing the ‘’ to ‘’ and right click to paste your text, then add your title and star rating. Once you submit, you have left that same review which will soon be visible to all the readers in the Australian Market.
Change the domain again from ‘’ to ‘.ca’ and yet another review page opens. Right click your text, enter your title and star rating, and once you submit, all the Canadians can see your magical and helpful words.
But we are not done yet! Change the domain one last time from ‘.ca’ to ‘.in’ Right click your text, enter your title and star rating, and once you submit, your review will be available to a billion and a half prospective readers from India!
Happy reading! Happy reviewing! Your positive words do make a difference!
#lovealwayswins #loveislove
Just one more reader... One more reader makes a difference!