Friday, August 23, 2024

White: Educating Hayden


“White: Educating Hayden”



“White: Educating Hayden” is about two young boys Hayden and Ian. Hayden is a big bad bully, and something has to be done about his rampant accosting and abuse of younger, defenseless innocent boys at his school.

Ian was Warren’s first love. Mark was Warren’s second love, and Georgie was the man Warren married for better or for worse. But what ever happened to Ian after that magical summer Warren and Ian discovered each other at the beginning of “Moments in Time: Innocence?” It’s time to find out for yourself.

Ian has a secret. Sure, everyone at school knows he is gay, but there is something else his classmates do not know about him. Ian’s parents barely accept his sexuality as perhaps it is something he will grow out of. Ian has not acted on his sexual urges since his summer of sultry sexual self-discovery with Warren the previous summer. There is truth behind every lie.

Always FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

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